Friday, April 4, 2008

doctor who quotes -2 days

Help yourself to a piece of eternity.
--Steven Taylor (“The Chase”)

You can’t blame my generation for everything.
--Barbara, to Vicki (Bill Strutton, “The Web Planet”)

It was nice, not dying with you.
--Martha Jones (Chris Chibnall, “42”)

“Och,” said Jamie, bemused, “who let the dogs out?” (Colin Brake, The Colony of Lies)

The Sixth Doctor: How would you like to meet a genius?
Peri: I thought I already had.
(“The Mark of the Rani”) The Fourth Doctor: Shall we use our intelligence?
Leela: Well, if you think that’s a good idea.
(“The Invisible Enemy”)

You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets.
--The Brigadier (“Robot”)

If there’s trouble to be found, the Doctor and Jamie can’t miss it.
--Zoe (Derrick Sherwin, “The Invasion”)

The worse the situation gets, the worse your jokes get!
--Sarah Jane, to the Fourth Doctor (“Masque of the Mandragora”)

Astrid: You look pretty good for nine-hundred-and-three.
The Tenth Doctor: You should see me in the mornings.
Astrid: Okay.
(Russell T Davies, “Voyage of the Damned”)

“ … there were snogging couples using it even then. Had to be careful that their powdered wigs didn't get caught on twigs. Last thing you want, you lean in for a snog and suddenly this impressionable young lady's seeing your hairdo as nature intended. Puts you right off.”
“Don’t tell me you know that from personal experience,” she [Rose] said, glancing at the Doctor’s closely cropped head and battered leather jacket and trying to imagine him in full Restoration get-up, velvet, brocade and periwig.
(Jacqueline Rayner, Winner Takes All)

I never saw someone so in love with himself for so little reason.
--Peri, of the Sixth Doctor (Anthony Steven, “The Twin Dilemma”)

Oh, it’s you—the lunatic.
--Evelyn Smythe, of the Sixth Doctor (Jacqueline Rayner, The Marian Conspiracy)

“Dreams are romantic notions, Kreiner . . . You see an opportunity, you take it.”
“I’m a fantastic opportunity,” Fitz declared. “Take me.”
(To the Slaughter)

I think your Doctor’s worse than mine.
--Jamie, to Peri (Robert Holmes, “The Two Doctors”)

The Doctor: Where’s your sense of adventure?
Ian: It died a slow, horrible death when those bats came out of the rafters.
(Terry Nation, “The Chase”)

"You're . . . a ghost."The Doctor nodded cheerfully, then paused a moment."Wellllll, perhaps not a ghost exactly, that would imply I was dead. Not that I haven't strictly speaking died a couple of times, but it would be misleading to go into that now, as I am definitely not a spirit form, such as a poltergeist, or phantom; and I am certainly not a Gelth, who are easy to mistake for ghosts—although come to think of it, they did like Cardiff at Christmas time, too; so, I wouldn't blame you for thinking that way."He stopped as Jack grabbed him fiercely and pushed him into the wall before silencing him with a kiss. The Doctor hung limply for a moment before slowly responding, then grinning sheepishly as Jack pulled back and pointed a finger at him."You're not a ghost."The Doctor shrugged and adjusted his coat as Jack let go. "That's what I said."Jack grinned now, his head starting to clear, slowly. A good kiss always helped, especially one from a Time Lord—must be the radiation. That was his excuse, anyway.
(Jovalien, A Torchwood Christmas Carol)

She is prettier than you, Master.
--K9, of Romana (“The Ribos Operation”)

[to the Seventh Doctor] Do you know any nice people?
--Ace (“Survival”)

[Of the Ninth Doctor] When he’s stressed, he likes to insult species.
--Rose (“The Doctor Dances”)

People in the past are always impressed by Dairy Milk.
--Evelyn Smythe (Doctor Who and the Pirates)

Just for once, Doctor, could you try uttering a sentence that made some kind of sense?
–The Brigadier (Shadow in the Glass)

“How was it Dante described the hierarchy of angels? Oh yes, ‘myriads more than the entire progressive doubling of the angels.’”
Jamie did not seem to be impressed. “About the same as the number of those VETACS we’re facing then, Doctor.”
“Oh, that’s hardly fair, Jamie.”
(Dreams of Empire)

“Well, I still think it’s weird, having other selves at all,” said Tegan.
“Why?” asked the Doctor. “You’ve both got them.”
“We have?”
“Not very many of course, because you’re both still so young, bless you.”
“No need to be patronizing, Doctor,” said Tegan sharply. “We can’t all be 900 years old, or whatever you are!”
(Terrance Dicks, The Eight Doctors)

“Interference!” said the Doctor, suddenly bursting with renewed energy. “Deliberate interference in human history!”
“Shocking!” said Peri, looking at him meaningfully.

The Tenth Doctor: Why are you taking off your clothes? Radiation affects skin not clothes.
Jack Harkness: Well . .. I look good, though.

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